Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Still Waiting for my Chinese Knock off Gown

My Chinese Knock off copy of Sottero and Midgley Adorae that was supposedly shipped the 4th of April has still not arrived. What a big surprise!!! They were happy to take my $117 for a $1200 gown but quit responding to my inquiries with I asked for a tracking number that actually works. I got paypal involved and hopefully I will get my money back but in the meanwhile who has months to wait to see if they will even get a dress let alone something you can wear.  

I found some rather interesting comments on a website that you can go to at the end of this post with some pretty interesting feedback. I have copied one below also "The problem isn't the chinese websites, it's the cheapskate customers who use their services. The chinese factories are only selling online because gullible Americans are waiting in line to buy their cheaply made products. Ladies, I know you want a "good deal", but get a conscience to go with it. If you are so immature that you believe wasting a salesperson's time is okay, you are not mature enough to be getting married. If your budget is so low that you have only $100 for a wedding dress, you are not financially stable enough to be getting married!

If you get ripped off by one of these websites, you only have yourself to blame. Same goes for the USA sites like best bridal prices. They have countless complaints for non delivery, late delivery, sending sample gowns as "new". Look it up! The "good" comments you see online are posted by their employees. (You can tell, usually. They tend to read like an ad, and they always mention the "Free veil and shoes" bit)."

Click Here to read more reviews. The site you are going to is not ours.


  1. You know, I don't think it is at all right or intelligent to buy a dress from a Chinese knock-off website. I almost fell prey to it because I didn't notice a website I was considering was located in China.

    However, the claim that having a budget makes you not mature or financially stable enough to get married is outright ignorant and frankly a little stuck up. Not every can (or will want to) shell out enough money to buy a used car to buy a dress to only use once. Some people want to build their savings or just don't have mummy and daddy paying for every last little thing they want on their wedding day.

  2. @ ElasticCassidy, thank you for your comments. The paragraph that you noted as being a little offensive is a comment made by another. They are really stating that you need to do your homework and not be sucked in by the promise and the pictures. Research the company, talk to a real person instead of only by email. Beware of someone who wants to communicate in the middle of the night because they are not in the US.
